More on meeting Dave Ramsey…

A week ago today we were as nervous as we could possibly be because we were about to meet Dave Ramsey.  We had the morning to kill since he doesn’t go on the air until 1:00 Central time so we swam, packed our car, and then walked around Nashville a little bit. Here’s the quick post I wrote while we were traveling about meeting Dave.

We ate lunch just before traveling to Brentwood and then pulled into the Financial Peace Plaza parking lot.  The boys who were riding with me asked me find his show on the radio so we could hear him live for the first time ever.  We were excited to be hearing his voice as he was speaking… we’ve listened to his podcasts for years, the benefit of that is that they’re commercial free.  However, today we were happy for those commercial breaks because those were going to be the key to meeting Dave.

We entered the door and were immediately told that there was a family doing their debt-free call live, in the lobby.  HOW COOL!!  (They’re in the doorway under the words “Martha’s Place” and “Martha” is in the turquoise shirt walking past.)


Sure enough, off to our left was a couple wearing headsets, surrounded by their kids, telling Dave their story.  They were looking across the lobby to our right, through glass, and we knew that behind that glass was the person we were there to meet: Dave Ramsey.

I am really proud of the boys, especially Parker, for keeping so quiet during the call.  As soon as the family yelled, “WE’RE DEBT FREE!!” and the other guests in the lobby screamed and clapped, Dave went on to a caller.  Immediately Parker said, “That’s Dave Ramsey!”  He recognized his voice immediately, which doesn’t surprise me, as he’s been listening to him since before birth.  I remember vividly sitting in the hospital in Germany after he was born, listening to episodes of Dave’s radio show. Parker has many hours of the Dave Ramsey Show under his belt!

After we moved into the lobby area we were able to look into the glass at Dave as he talked to callers.

_JEN9463 _JEN9443 Parker was so excited to see the man behind the voice!  (So was I!)_JEN9437

While Dave was chatting I asked Martha (Director of First Impressions) when and where we should hold our sign.  When he came out for his next commercial break we got ready. A word about the sign:  We are not professional sign-makers and we did this in an empty house with only a few things from Hobby Lobby and the floor.  It wasn’t a beautiful sign but it was fun to make and fun to share.


Martha videoed it and then put it on Twitter, and then Dave retweeted it.  You can hear Dave yell! 🙂  {Be sure it’s not muted if you want to hear the yell.} 

Here’s a picture of the tweet:


He met with the family who had just called in and then went back to the show after the commercial break.  At the next commercial break we got to take pictures with him and he signed a few things for us.  Quite the memory!


vaAoR8VXSRa06xhGKcenww IMG_1237 _JEN9472 _JEN9476This was most definitely the highlight of our trip from SC to TX, and quite possibly my highlight-so-far in 2013.

All about our PCS from SC to TX:

Tschuss, SC!
First stop:  Brentwood, TN
The Hamricks meet Dave Ramsey!!
Second stop:  Memphis, TN
Third Stop:  West Monroe, LA
There was actually a stop in Tyler, Texas one night, between West Monroe and Killeen. There are two posts about that night, out of order. I have no idea why I didn’t catch that Killeen was our “fifth stop” as I was writing these.  Had a little on my mind…  Those two posts are Parker and some PCS Fun and I might have to eat some crow.
Fourth stop:  Killeen, TX
More on meeting Dave Ramsey…  (YOU ARE HERE)
Parker and some PCS fun
More from West Monroe.
I might have to eat some crow.

About Jennifer

"Yes, they're all mine." The answer to the question I hear most often.
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15 Responses to More on meeting Dave Ramsey…

  1. Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. Dave Ramsey is awesome. Wish he’d been around about 40 years ago. Hope all is well in Texas.

  2. Debt Ninjas says:

    We have been listening to Dave for a month and a half now and started our Total Money Makeover about three weeks ago. By the end of the month, we should have step one knocked out and a couple of our first debts paid off. Dave is a blessing, to be sure. Good for you and your family on being debt free. We have quite a ways to go, but we can’t wait for that day we can enter Martha’s Place and do our debt free scream. Feel free to visit our blog chronicling our journey to financial peace

  3. Pingback: Tschuss, SC! | thehamricks

  4. Pingback: First stop: Brentwood, TN | thehamricks

  5. Pingback: The Hamricks meet Dave Ramsey!! | thehamricks

  6. Pingback: Second stop: Memphis, TN | thehamricks

  7. Pingback: Third stop: West Monroe, LA | thehamricks

  8. Pingback: Fourth stop: Killeen, TX | thehamricks

  9. Pingback: More from West Monroe | thehamricks

  10. Pingback: Parker and some PCS fun | thehamricks

  11. Pingback: I might have to eat some crow. | thehamricks

  12. Pingback: The Total Money Makeover {Booksneeze Review} - Only Passionate Curiosity

  13. Wow, what a great story! Hopefully when I am done with my Total Money Makeover, I too can meet Dave!!! I started on August 9, and figure it should take me between 18-24 months to become debt free! I even added a page on my blog to keep me accountable! I’d love for you to check it out.

    • Jennifer says:

      I am so excited for you to start your journey! Just remember that there are setbacks but that doesn’t mean you need to give up. I read a funny meme yesterday on dieting. If you have a set back on your diet, don’t just give up and fall off the plan. That’d be like dropping your phone and saying, ‘Well, since I dropped it I’m just going to keep dropping it until it’s completely ruined.’


      Follow the baby steps just as they are laid out. They work if you do them in the right order. Keep me updated!

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