Health Journey

I have been pretty private about my journey over the past few months because I’ve done it before. I’ve lost weight before. I’ve blogged the journey before. I’ve read the books, hired the trainer (she was amazing… it was horrible). I’ve even succeeded using the plan I’m currently using only to regain the weight.

But this time is different. I know it is. First, my sweet husband joined me mid-way and is on board as well. Second, my Health Coach is my aunt and we’re kind-of in it together for the long-haul.

It’s also different because I am doing the second phase of the program… last time I just sort of got to my ideal weight and stopped. There’s more to being healthy than being a healthy weight!

I’m happy with where I am at the moment. I like the number on the scale but I love the non-scale victories the most:

  • Having more energy
  • Enjoying buying clothes 
  • Feeling confident in those clothes
  • Buying new bathing suits 
  • Not being camera-shy anymore
  • Bouncing up the stairs rather than slugging up them
  • Getting better sleep
  • Changing my mindset about food
  • Having kids (and a husband, for that matter) who are proud of me
  • Being proud of myself
  • Making healthier, delicious meals for the entire family, not just myself

There are plenty more that are too silly to share, but I make this list to show it’s not only about the number on the scale.

If you are interested in learning more, I’ll happily point you in the right direction. If you know how much I love the principles in Financial Peace University, you will understand why I love this particular plan. Throughout the entire journey I’ve noted instances where the two plans are almost identical. I have dozens of notes in my book that say, “this is just like FPU!!” The plan works if you work the plan. 

Also, my kids have learned from watching their dad affirm me. He’s left me these post-it notes throughout our entire marriage, regardless of my weight. Our boys have become like him and that’s the best I could ever dream for my kids!

About Jennifer

"Yes, they're all mine." The answer to the question I hear most often.
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9 Responses to Health Journey

  1. Maria Currey says:

    Love you and your beautiful-heart family!!
    Thank you for sharing your journey!!

    • Jennifer says:

      It’s an imperfect journey and I pray others find grace built into mine. I’ve learned much about myself and my thought patterns, specifically around food.

  2. Heather says:

    I’d love to know the plan you’re following!

    Mackenzie (my oldest) and I have been on our own health journey since last March. She at the age of 20, is doing it to gain strength and healthy eating patterns. I would like to lose weight and gain endurance.
    She’s doing great but no matter how hard I’m working, I see no result. With the exception of one very important one and that’s the motivation to keep going even when nothing is happening.

    You look incredible and I love the honesty your blog offers about the reality and struggles of this journey!

    Keep up the good work ❤️

  3. Sheri Prescott says:

    I loved reading all your non-scale victories and those post-it-notes! Priceless. Congratulations, sweet friend!

  4. Asia Lowe says:

    I’d like to know more! The last two years have not been kind to my body.

  5. William C. Shelnutt says:

    Powerful testimony, Ms Jennifer. Yes, you did marry one of the best and are nor rising some more of the best. YBIC, Bill

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