Valentine’s Day 2019

You’ll never guess where I am right now?

It’s Friday at 10:45 am, the day after Valentine’s Day.

I’m in a hotel room alone, writing my third blog post of the day, having spent the night alone. Alone. And that word is a beautiful one only because I know that it’s a temporary state of being. I am enjoying the best gift Matt has given me outside all the obvious ones: his love, attention, devotion, and our five children: time away to just do what I want to do, eat what I want to eat, and be responsible for no one but myself.

I’ve wanted to do this for years. The first time I brought it up was after his first deployment… I wanted to find a cabin in the woods and just stay there, alone. In the quiet. I’ve thought of the idea a few more times since then and even started looking for a place around here for me to get away for a night. I gave up my search because it seems such a ridiculous thing to do. And then Matt surprised me with reservations for our on-post hotel for two nights.

He’s the BEST! (He actually just texted me that he loves me. See?!? He is the best!)

Screenshot 2019-02-15 10.39.19

So what did I do with my evening?

I packed up my stuff and made a quick trip to the bakery to stock the family for the weekend and to get myself a few treats that I rarely allow myself. I hit the commissary next, and then checked in to the Kelley Hotel. I had two hours to enjoy before my massage. I was given a massage for Christmas by a special someone at our Chapel. {THANK YOU!!} Afterward, I called in Greek Food from a restaurant I knew I’d pass by on the way home from my massage and got it to go. I ate with the company of a Netflix movie. Then took a bath, and finished the  movie… without doing anything productive during. I generally use movies as a time to get “stuff” done but last night I just vegged during it.

Then I turned on AFN and watched junk while I spent a couple of hours working on organizing my photos and uploading them to Shutterfly. This is a major project that wouldn’t be a major project if I were to keep up with it. So, one of my New Year’s Resolutions goals is to work on this at least three times a month. Once I get caught up this will help me stay caught up.

I went to bed and slept well, until the MPs had a smoke-sesh out back. I almost yelled at them through my open window, but then I realized they’re heavily armed and decided to just get back in bed and make myself go back to sleep. No, really, the reason I didn’t fuss is because I really do appreciate what our MPs do and if they want to get together in the middle of the night to chat, laugh, and swap funny stories, I’ll go back to bed in peace, thankful for those individuals who keep my family safe. (I’m mushy about our service members… I won’t apologize for that.)

I had set my alarm for 0730… two hours later than I usually wake up during the week! I got breakfast from downstairs and then started working on blog posts. It’s pushing noon and I’ve got one scheduled for Monday, another one ready once my kids send me some pics I want to include in it, and this one will be published once I get finished writing it. I had a goal of getting three done this month and by the time I check out tomorrow, (YES, TOMORROW), I will have completed that goal.

I have a few other “for me” goals I’m working on that I don’t often take time for at home, and I am going to start on those once I get this posted.

I can honestly say I needed this. I have looked forward to it since Matt told me about it and I am loving it, but as I said, I’m thankful that I have such a wonderful group of people to do life with. I miss them and can’t wait to hug them and spend time with them… but this is a priceless gift that I do hope becomes a tradition… (hint, hint). My love language is quality time, and I guess I’m learning that that also means quality alone-time.  Interesting concept… something to process.

Oh!! And I get to have dinner with my Valentine tonight! He’s bringing the meal I requested: Korean food from the Korean Food truck!! YUM!!

Last night, when I got back to the hotel, there was a Valentine Card and flowers waiting for me…



And I know you’re wondering what I got Matt… nothing compares to this, so I lose. I admit that up front, but I am very happy with what I got him. Darren, one of Matt’s battle buddies in CHOBC {and his beautiful wife, Heather} were the subject of a major motion picture last year. The DVD released just in time to get here for Valentine’s Day and we had our friends, Craig and Monica, over for a double-date viewing of Indivisible.  It was really good, well-made, and portrayed reintegration in all it’s (ugly)glory… I’m so thankful this movie was made and that such attention was given to what our many of our service members experience upon returning from war. I’m thankful Darren and Heather were vulnerable enough to let their hard-places, their Sacred Spaces, be exposed to the world. So, Matt’s gift way outweighs mine, but mine was a movie about a Chaplain Matt knows so that’s good, too, right?!? There really aren’t that many movies about Chaplains, and only ONE about a person Matt knows personally… (I’m really trying, here, to make my gift to Matt seem even a little bit comparable… One last-ditch effort… I’ve carried this picture in my Bible for 13 years now. Matt and Darren and their CHOBC battle buddies…


So… there. (And I didn’t stage what page this was set in. This photo moves all over the place, depending on where I’m reading at the time. Today I opened to where it was and of course, it’s on a page that mentions WARRIORS. Yes, these men are warriors in the obvious sense… they’re soldiers. But they’re also Warrior Priests. The bring God to their soldiers –  wherever the soldiers are.)

And now, I’ll post this and get to work on my other “for me” goals!

Thank you, babe, for the best gift ever! And I can’t wait for dinner tonight! See you soon!!


About Jennifer

"Yes, they're all mine." The answer to the question I hear most often.
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4 Responses to Valentine’s Day 2019

  1. Maria says:

    Such a beautiful gift and respite for your soul dear Jennifer! Thank you for sharing your heart!

  2. Sybil Kee says:

    I am so happy you have such a loving husband. Matt had the best of role models for your lives. A caring, loving husband who respects your need to step back and refuel your body and mind. Enjoy your “alone” holiday❤️

  3. Sheri Prescott says:

    Love this, Jennifer!! What a special gift!

  4. Pingback: Snow Days! {Feb 2019} | thehamricks

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